jewellers computer till

Easy to use POS software designed especially for jewellers.

JCT enables shop owners to keep track of their stock and their customers.

Stock Control
A record of each item in stock with jewellery specific descriptions as well as purchase details. Include pictures and print labels
Customer Database
Contains Customer contact details. Grade by sales, record interests. Access Sales history of all transactions including purchases and repairs.

Use the Point Of Sale screen like a cash register to process all customer purchases, repairs, laybys and debtors invoices.

record method of payment and salesperson

JCT will print a docket and open the cash drawer

Analyse sales and stock holdings with a wide range of report options to List or summarize. All data can be selected, listed and totalled. Daily Sales is a frequently used list report, listing the sales for the day ( or any other day ).

"Its the whole package that makes it so useful"

Peter Mersen
Showcase Jewellers
New Plymouth
The repair system records job details including
the customers name and address ( which is added to the customer database)
description of the item ( including case number and model number for watches)
details of the work to be done ( which can be be selected from an existing pricelist), who,when where job sent to/done by
An invaluable resource when customers come in to complain.
Produce one-click Valuations of stock items at sale time or any time after if requested by the customer.
Track items taken in for valuation.
Write your own valuations with a special layout tool.
Shopify Integration
Really simple one click action to add stock to Shopify ecommerce website. Inventory levels between shop and website adjusted automatically.
“ Learning the basic operations of the program was straight forward making our previous program look very clumsy. Having the stock come up all together on one continuous page is great, with selection options and the ability to 'total' any selection so you know how many items of one type you have and what value. My favourite part is the Ringbook which holds any item you wish and you can load photos and valuations to have on hand for staff to print out when the item is sold. As we are manufacturers it is great to be able to have photo records of items we have made for customers, or for stock, and print them on photo paper or save the files to our photo image screen, which sits in the window. I am very comfortable with the serial number system after initially being a bit sceptical but now I like having the stock always in chronological order, and also avoid problems with more than one item per number like we had before. The support Richard gives is excellent.”
Graeme Castle
The Ringmakers
requires a Windows computer. useful accessories are cash drawer,Label printer, receipt printer, camera and barcode reader
Typical installations have a till computer and office computer networked together sharing data. Additional tills or back office computers can be added.
Send emails directly from JCT. Send copies of invoices, laybys etc to customers or insurance companies. Send orders to suppliers
send sms txt messages directly to customers. Great for advising customers when repairs are ready.
Backup JCT files to a chosen location and/or email a zip file

Design your Letterhead for all documents by using the layout tool.

Select which printer to use for different tasks

A jewellers calculator will calculate the weight of objects in different precious metals.
JCT is under continuous improvement